Wednesday 3 August 2022

Avoiding Mistakes in Choosing Hydraulic Cylinders

What is a hydraulic cylinder?

A device that hydraulically moves a piston in a cylinder to perform mechanical work by pushing and pulling in a rod fixed to the piston. It is widely used as an actuator (operation part of automatic control system) and used by Hydraulic Cylinders Manufacturers for hydraulic jacks, extruders, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, etc.

Mechanical actuators used to deliver a force along a linear path are hydraulic cylinders, often known as linear hydraulic motors. The hydraulic fluid that drives hydraulic cylinders under pressure is usually some kind of oil. A moving piston or plunger attached to a rod and a barrel cylinder make up the basic components of a hydraulic cylinder. 

Hydraulic cylinders have multiple uses and applications, among the best known are:

• Crane's arms.

• Shock absorbers.

They are powered by hydraulic fluid, usually an oil of some kind. A moving piston or plunger attached to a rod and a barrel cylinder make up the basic components of a hydraulic cylinder.

Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

Single rod cylinder: Single rod and surface ratio (piston - rod) of 2:1. When you just want to work in one way, you use it.

Double rod cylinders have a rod on both sides of the piston. It is used when you want to do work in both directions, the load can be placed on one of the rods or on both.

In general, cylinders can be classified into two groups: single-acting or double-acting.

The following are the features that both forms of operation have in common:

• Drive: with hydraulic pressure, in the effective direction instead of in both directions.

• Reverse: against hydraulic pressure's effective direction with a spring or external force.

• In the first type, the return force is little (often only moderate spring forces), while in the second, it is high.

• Spring chamber: In double-acting cylinders, it is not required to aerate the spring chamber due to the risk of condensation-related water development and corrosive liquid penetration.

• Due to the return of the spring in the former, the displacement periods are not precisely determinable and are greatly influenced by the tube section and oil viscosity. However, the times can be precisely defined and repeated in seconds.

• With regard to operating safety, there may be possible failures due to spring breakage in single-acting cylinders, while in double-acting cylinders, operating safety is high.

How to choose a hydraulic cylinder:

For hydraulic cylinder selection, the hydraulic cylinder will be selected according to the inner diameter, stroke, working pressure, and installation type. In fact, the following considerations also need your attention in addition to these: 

First, when the hydraulic cylinder is loaded, and the operating speed reaches a certain standard or more, a hydraulic cylinder with a damping device should be used. 

Second, the hydraulic oil and oil seal must be carefully chosen. Alternatively, a reduction valve should be fitted outside the hydraulic cylinder while operating at a greater speed. To preserve the hydraulic cylinder's service life, various hydraulic lubricants employ oil seals made of various materials that Hydraulic Cylinders Manufacturers India can purchase.

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