Monday 7 February 2022

How to Avoid Mistakes in Choosing Hydraulic Cylinders

Engineers must keep up with new technology and approach each new design with the goal of obtaining the highest levels of safety, efficiency, and performance. To that aim, this article will look at when hydraulic cylinders should be specified over pneumatic cylinders, the main design aspects to consider when selecting and sizing hydraulic cylinders from Hydraulic Cylinders Manufacturer, frequent mistakes to avoid, and essential design considerations that are often overlooked.

Hydraulic cylinders are complex devices made up of a variety of discrete components that come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials.

Consider the following factors while choosing a hydraulic cylinder:

1. Amount of mass

The first and most important step is to figure out how much mass you want to shift. After you've determined your mass, you'll need to examine the impact it will have on the force required to move it. A 1-ton mass pushed straight up, for example, will require little over 1 tonne of force, whereas a 1-ton load pushed across the ground will only require enough force to overcome friction and acceleration. Regardless, the cylinder's force should always be sufficient to allow for a margin of error.

2. Mechanics

After you've determined the type of the mass to be shifted, you'll need to analyze the geometry involved. The geometry of a machine like a hydraulic press, which normally goes up and down, is straightforward and requires no more thought. The force required by the cylinder alters when the center of the load being moved is not centered on the point of lift force and is at perpendicular angles to that point of lift force. When using a crane, for example, the cylinder pulls the boom far away from the weight. The load distance (distance from load to fulcrum) can be 10 times the lift force (distance from lift force to fulcrum) in most circumstances, and even more in rare cases. As a result, the closer your lift point is to the fulcrum, the more force the cylinder must exert to lift the weight.

3. Bore Dimensions

After you've determined the force your cylinder requires, the next step is to determine the cylinder's bore size. The cylinder's force is just the product of the system pressure multiplied by the area of the internal piston surface that the pressure acts upon. The hole size required to create that force is calculated using this formula.

Also Read:- What Are Hydraulic Cylinders and Its Benefits?

4. Rod Dimensions

After determining a minimum cylinder bore size, the following step in selecting a hydraulic cylinder  from Hydraulic Cylinders Manufacturers, is to identify a suitable rod size. The majority of off-the-shelf cylinders come with one or two rod options. The stroke length, which impacts the rod buckling strength, must be carefully considered while selecting the requisite rod size. We use algorithms at Berendsen to determine whether the rod buckling strength for a certain rod size and stroke is enough for a given load. 

Aside from rod buckling, bearing loads are another significant factor to consider when choosing a hydraulic cylinder. The consequent bearing loads on the piston rod rise as the stroke length of a cylinder increases. Stop tubes are commonly used to keep bearing loads from exceeding design limits. Stop tubes are usually required for applications with strokes greater than 1000 mm.

5. Internal cushions

After the bore, rod, and stroke sizes have been decided, another factor to examine is whether internal cushions at the cylinder stroke's end are necessary. Cushions are recommended for high-speed rod deceleration to lessen the energy of the piston assembly's collision with the cylinder end cap. Cushions are an optional feature that can be added to one or both ends of the cylinder. Cushions have no effect on the cylinder envelope or mounting dimensions.

Contact Hydraulic Cylinder Suppliers in India to buy hydraulic cylinders and get the best quality and services.

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