Wednesday 14 July 2021

What Is a Tapping Machine and What Are Its Key Features?

A tapping machine is an equipment used to drill uniform holes on the floor of the surface to measure the impact noise in the field of building acoustics. 

A tapping machine India performs for the following two functions

Measure impact generated Noise

When using a standard tapping machine to test the impact insulation class of the floor, hammers are released at the speed of 10 times per second on the floor. A sequence of train pulses are released which can later be analysed. The main aim of using this methodology is to calculate the noise generated in each frequency band, there it is important to ascertain the vibrational frequency spectrum of the existing force. 

Measurement of Impact sound insulation 

One must use structure-bound source to be able to calculate the sound insulation. A standardised source is used to avoid measuring the power input. Two vertically adjacent rooms are needed for laboratory measurements. One must measure the temporal and spatial average sound pressure level in the receiving room and the tapping machine excites the floor in the source room. 

Also Read:- What Are the Advantages of Hydraulic Cylinders?

How does a tapping machine work?

Two pieces of metal are attached together in a tapping machine process. It helps to drill holes where screws are used. The use of this machine helps in saving labour costs as well as time. The process is not very different from tap and die that helps in the manufacturing of metal. The tapping machine works on auto parts, electronics and industrial machinery where holes are threaded. Mostly these are used in heavy industries where big loads needed to be drilled. To get your equipment from one of the top tapping machine manufacturers in India, log on to

What are the salient features of a tapping machine?

>The installation process is very simple and one does not need any additional skill to be able to complete the task. 

>They are easy to maintain and the results provided are long lasting. 

> There are a number of speed options available with gear arrangements

>These machines do not require additional parts or accessories to carry out the work.

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