Wednesday, 10 February 2021

How to define the best telescopic cylinder manufacturers & Suppliers in India?

One of the significant advantages of using a telescopic cylinder is that, with a relatively small installation length, it can create a large stroke. Multiple cylinders constructed within each other make up this sort of cylinder. A quality supplier of hydraulic cylinders can easily produce custom cylinders that suit your specific demands.

What is a  Telescopic cylinder?

Inside a telescopic cylinder, the series of multiple nested cylinders, or steel tubes, are of progressively smaller diameters. This unique design allows a very compact retracted length to travel excellently. The fact that these types of cylinders can easily extend from minimally retracted sizes makes these cylinders ideal for applications where space-related constraints prevent a conventional single-stage cylinder from being used.

Typically, these cylinders extend from the biggest stage to the smallest one. Thus, before the very next stage starts to move, the biggest stage moves first and completes its stroke. For all states, this procedure continues until the stage with the smallest diameter is entirely extended. In the same way, when retracting takes place, the stage with the smallest diameter will move first, and this continues until each stage is nestled back into the main cylinder.


Telescopic cylinders in two different mounting styles can be produced by leading manufacturers of hydraulic cylinders: cross tube mounts and trunnion mounts. In various strokes and multiple bore sizes, cylinders can also be produced. The cylinders are developed for high operating pressures, such as 2,500 PSI, and feature a high-quality re-buildable construction as well as adjustable packings. The stages are also plated with hard chrome. With the right company's help, you can get the exact cylinders you need in a timely way for your application.


Its ability to have an extraordinarily long stroke from a compact initial package is the great advantage telescopic cylinders have over any other form of cylinders. For traditional telescopic cylinders, the collapsed length ranges between 20 percent and 40 percent of their extended length. Thus, a telescopic cylinder is a reasonable solution when the mounting space is small, and the application requires a long stroke.

For example, assume that in order to empty entirely, a dump body needs to be tilted 60 °. The dump body does not return to a horizontal orientation for highway travel due to the length of the cylinder, even when fully retracted, whether the body or trailer is fitted with a traditional rod-type cylinder with a one-piece barrel and stroke long enough to achieve that angle. This issue is solved easily by a telescopic cylinder.

Telescopic hydraulic cylinders are relatively simple instruments, but knowledge of the idiosyncrasies of these components requires their successful use. Awareness of how telescopic cylinders function and what basic application requirements to consider will enable you to design them into equipment safely and economically.

Dynamic Hydrofab, the best telescopic cylinders manufacturer are also telescopic cylinders suppliers and provides the best telescopic cylinders at affordable prices.
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